
Markus Müller
Fruehlingstrasse 15
97616 Bad Neustadt
Born: 07/30/1967 in Muennerstadt
Primary and secondary school in Muennerstadt
Artisanal education (car mechanic)
Secondary school in Bad Neustadt
Degree in mechanical engineering in Schweinfurt
1990 Move to Bad Neustadt
Since 1992 married,
2 Daughters
Since 1994 self-employed (Painting and Design)
Since 1996 many exhibitions / presentations at home and abroad
Sept.1996 First solo exhibition in the Old Office House Bad Neustadt
Each October 97-98-99-00 participate in the International Airbrush Phantasy show in Passau
April 2001 to participate in the largest opening in Germany "Visions 2001" in Bad Kissingen
November 2001: organization, implementation and participation in the exhibition "11 September 2001 - Artist of the region take a position on terrorism and violence "in the Old Office House Bad Neustadt / Saale
May 2002: Foundation of the "Kunstverein Bad Neustadt" (2nd Chair)2002: 2nd Chairman of the "Kunstverein Bad Neustadt eV"
2003: first president of the "Kunstverein Bad Neustadt eV"
2003: Group exhibition "drugs" in Mellrichstadt (artist-student concerned)
Jun / July 2003: Group exhibition at the German Mr. Castle Muennerstadt "The Bible an argument)
October. / Nov 2008 "Fog in the head," a group exhibition on the subject of dementia, Bad Neustadt, Bad Kissingen
May / June 2010 painting meets material, joint exhibition in MuennerstadtJuly
2011 Wengart in Ramsthal
November 2011 30x30 in Mellrichstadt
October 2012 Art at the hairdresser, NES
May 2013 Wine store in pigeon mill Brendlorenzen
Regional exhibitions:
Since 1996, performing many solo and group exhibitions in the regional space. inter alia:Bad Neustadt, Bad Kissingen, Bischofsheim, Hassfurt, Mellrichstadt Muennerstadt, Rhön-jewel Kreuzberg, Schweinfurt, Unsleben,Würzburg, Wildflecken, Brendlorenzen
About Regional Presentations:
Bamberg, Bocholt, Darmstadt, Giessen, Goslar, Fürth, Husum, Kassel, Kirchheim / Teck, Lehrte, Lübeck, Passau, Schweinfurt, Saarbrücken, Trossenfurt, Wildflecken, Würzburg, Stuttgart
Presentations abroad:
2002 - Austria: Vienna (Millennium Tower)Vienna
2004 - Austria: Zell am See
2005 - Switzerland: Dietikon near Zurich, Basel
Misc. Publications in the regional press
1999: "Airbrush Total" - journal
2001, 2002, 2006 TV Touring in the cable channel (with Rtl)
2007 Radio Galaxy Bamberg
2010 TV Touring, report on the exhibition: "Painting meets material"
http://www.maekks.de.vu (my Airbrush Artwork Site)
Public purchase:
Ev. Church in Bad Neustadt